Variable Name | Units of change | Additional Details |
Rainfall | % | |
Wind Speed | % | Near-Surface Wind Speed |
Maximum Daily Temperature | C | |
Minimum Daily Temperature | C | |
Heavy Rainfall (cmip3) | % | 99th percentile Rainfall |
Strong Wind (CMIP3) | % | 99th percentile Wind Speed |
Humidity | % | |
Evaporation | % | |
Solar Radiation | % | |
Sea Surface Temperature | C | |
Sea Level Pressure | % | |
Evapotranspiration | % | Wet-environment potential evapotranspiration |
1-in-20y Rainfall | % | 1-in-20 Year Rainfall |
1-in-20y Windspeed | % | 1-in-20 Year Windspeed |
Time in drought | % | Percent of time in Drought (SPI < -1.0) |
Mean Surface Temperature | C | Monthly mean surface temperature |
* Actual values may also be displayed if desired