Climate Change in Australia

Climate information, projections, tools and data

AdaptNRM : Climate change tools and resources for NRMs


Some of the challenges of adapting to climate change and some of the information needed to support adaptation cut across Australia’s regional boundaries. Regardless of which land uses, biomes, industries, and communities regional planners work with, there is a universal need for a planning approach that takes into account a variable and dynamic future. Many of the drivers of changes in weeds and biodiversity are national in scope but still highly relevant for regional planning. And the need to share insights and experiences across Australia and learn from each other has never been greater.

Key messages & issues

AdaptNRM is a collaboration between CSIRO and NCCARF to take key adaptation approaches and information sources that are national in scope and make them accessible and relevant for regional planning.  At the core of AdaptNRM is a philosophy that the translation and delivery of science must be led by users of the information.  Thus, our five easy-to-understand modules, with synthesised key messages and supporting technical guides and datasets are the result of:

  1. building relationships with planners to understand their processes and needs
  2. inviting planners to contribute their own ideas and examples
  3. using social science to develop forms of delivery that better suit the constraints and demands of planners
  4. providing platforms for planners to share ideas with each other

Research background

Our five modules were developed from a series of consultations with natural resource management planners across the nation. The five modules are:

Adaptation Planning

The NRM Adaptation Checklist has been developed to help planners assess approaches to the planning process that are required to develop climate-ready plans.

Weeds and climate change

We deliver a summary of current knowledge about potential changes in weeds and weed management under climate change, with a framework for developing adaptation-ready weed management plans.

Implications for biodiversity

We provide background about a technique used to model biodiversity as a whole and demonstrate how the results can be used to evaluate the potential implications of climate change for four terrestrial biological groups – vascular plants, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.

Adaptation of biodiversity

We build on the previous module to broadly guide decisions regarding potential on-ground options for facilitating adaptation of biodiversity management to climate change.

Shared learning

To encourage continued, shared learning beyond the life of the project, this module provides lessons from engagement between science and stakeholders to support continuation of progress in adaptation planning.