Climate Change in Australia

Climate information, projections, tools and data

Contact Us

For more information about Climate Change in Australia please email us .

Please note:

  1. We receive a lot of requests but are a very small team.
    1. Please allow a minimum of 6 weeks for data requests
    2. Complex requests may take substantially longer, and there may be a cost associated with us doing the work.
  2. During holiday periods, our response times will be slower.

Technical issues

If you encounter problems (e.g. with downloads) or find a bug, please check the Downtime and Bugs section of the News and Updates page. If there's nothing there about the issue you've encountered, please get in touch by email .

Requests for information and data

For detailed requests, please download and complete the Data/Information Request Form, providing as much information as possible. Email the completed form to the CCiA support team .

Data/Information Request Form v5.2 (27.1 KB)


Page updated 28th October 2022