'NRM' Data File Naming Convention
Gridded Change Data Files
Files are named using the following convention:
<variable>_<A/Omon/day>_<model>_<rcp>_<run>_<time period>_<change type>-<season aggregation method>_<grid>.nc
<variable> is the climate variable code:
- hurs = relative humidity at 2 m above the surface
- pr = precipitation at the surface
- rsds = solar radiation at the surface
- sfcWind = average wind speed at 10 m above the surface
- tas = average daily temperature at 2 m above the surface
- tasmax = maximum daily temperature at 2 m above the surface
- tasmin = minimum daily temperature at 2 m above the surface
<A/Omon/day> is a descriptor indicating if the original source model data are for the atmosphere or ocean and at what time scale (monthly or daily)
- Amon = all ‘NRM’ change data downloadable from CCiA are derived from atmosphere models’ (A) monthly (mon) time scale outputs
<model> is the name of the global climate model. For example, CNRM-CM5
- Data from up to 47 models are available, depending on the emissions scenario of interest. See the full list of models
<rcp> is the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) to which the data relate (see the Greenhouse Gas Scenarios
page for more detail)
- RCP2.6 = the most ambitious mitigation scenario
- RCP4.5 = emissions peak earlier than RCP6.0 but drop rapidly
- RCP6.0 = lower emissions, achieved by application of some mitigation strategies and technologies
- RCP8.5 = a future with little curbing of emissions
<run> is a descriptor that indicates the run, initialisation and parameterisation versions of the simulation.
- r1i1p1 = run 1, initialisation 1, parameterisation 1
<time period> describes the range of years to which the future data relate.
- the period over which the future changes have been averaged
<change type> refers to the type of change calculated for the time period
- abs-change-wrt-1986-2005- clim = climatology given as absolute change (e.g. in mm, Wm-2, °C) with respect to the 1986-2005 average
- perc-change-wrt-1986-2005- clim =climatology given as percentage change with respect to the 1986-2005 average
<season aggregation method> refers to the way the data have been aggregated
- seasavg = averaged across the 'season' (which in this context can be month, 3-month season, 6-month season or annual)
- seassum = summed across the 'season'
<grid> describes the type of grid on which the data are provided
- native = All ‘NRM’ gridded change data are provided on the individual model’s native grid. These vary in size as described in the full list of models
.nc is the file extension for NetCDF files.
Gridded Application-ready Data files
Files are named using the following convention:
<variable>_<domain>_<model>_<rcp>_<run>_<method>_<version>_<frequency>(_<season aggregation method>)_<time period>(-<change type>).nc
<variable> is the climate variable code:
- hurs = relative humidity at 2 m above the surface
- pr = precipitation at the surface
- rsds = solar radiation at the surface
- sfcWind = average wind speed at 10 m above the surface
- tas = average daily temperature at 2 m above the surface
- tasmax = maximum daily temperature at 2 m above the surface
- tasmin = minimum daily temperature at 2 m above the surface
<domain> The name of the 'domain' or geographic area covered by the dataset:
- Aus = all ‘NRM’ application-ready data available from CCiA are for the ‘aus’ domain which is Australia-wide (not including offshore islands)
<model> is the name of the global climate model. For example, CNRM-CM5. Application-ready data are available from the CCiA eight model subset
- CanESM2
- HadGEM2-CC
- NorESM1-M
<rcp> is the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) to which the data relate (see the Greenhouse Gas Scenarios
page for more detail)
- RCP2.6 = the most ambitious mitigation scenario
- RCP4.5 = emissions peak earlier than RCP6.0 but drop rapidly
- RCP6.0 = lower emissions, achieved by application of some mitigation strategies and technologies
- RCP8.5 = a future with little curbing of emissions
<run> = a descriptor that indicates the run, initialisation and parameterisation versions of the simulation:
- r1i1p1 = run 1, initialisation 1, parameterisation 1
<method> describes the scaling method used to produce this specific dataset (see scaling methods
for more detail)
- CSIRO-MnChg-wrt-1986-2005-Scl = monthly mean changes relative to 1986-2005 from the GCM used to scale observed data
- CSIRO-DecChg-wrt-1986-2005-Scl = monthly decile and percentile changes relative to 1986-2005 from the GCM used to scale observed data
<version> = version of the model as described by model description:
- v1 = all ‘NRM’ data available via CCiA were produced using version 1 of the scaling methods
<frequency> = the frequency (time-step) of the dataset (in datasets with multiple frequency data, the highest frequency or smallest time-step):
- day = daily
- mon = monthly
<time period> = the range of years to which the future data relate. For:
- for application-ready data this describes the future 30-years covered by the synthetic data
.nc is the file extension for NetCDF files.
Download the file naming convention (265.5 KB)
Page last updated 20th August 2021