Climate Change in Australia
Climate information, projections, tools and data
The Northern Monsoon cluster covers 1906 km2 and includes NRM regions across Queensland (NQ Dry Tropics, Northern Gulf, Southern Gulf and part Cape York NRM), the Northern Territory (part of Territory NRM) and Western Australia (part of WA Rangelands). It extends across the entire Australian continent from the Burdekin River in Queensland to the Fitzroy Basin in WA, and comprises the majority of Australia’s dry tropical savanna’s. Major land uses and activities include agriculture, pastoralism, mining, oil and gas, tourism, recreation and nature conservation. Approximately half of the land base is owned or managed by Indigenous people.
In mid 2013 a workshop in Darwin brought together representatives from all NRMs within the Northern Monsoon cluster and the research team to identify and prioritise what research and knowledge was required. The result was a set of nine co-developed and well targeted sub-projects to support NRM planning. These are reflected in the RESEARCH OUTPUTS.
The Northern Monsoon Cluster is aiming to provide improved knowledge, tools and management options to NRM bodies to enable them to better adapt to the challenges imposed by a changing climate. It aims to do this by working to: