Climate Change in Australia

Climate information, projections, tools and data


Country of origin:
Host Organisation:

Description :

Further Information:


Notes: There is the potential for important differences in projected climate change across this region, related to factors such as topography and/or coastal influences. Downscaling may resolve this better than GCMs. Treat downscaling as a plausible climate future.

Regions affected: Southern Slopes (Vic West), East Coast (North), Southern Slopes (Vic/NSW East), East Coast, Southern Slopes (Tas West), Southern Slopes (Tas East), East Coast (South), Southern Slopes,

Notes: There is no documented reason to think that downscaling will give a more plausible projection of climate change compared with the global climate models in this region, but it may produce an equally plausible climate future.
In cases where a Climate Future is represented by both downscaled (RCM) results and ‘high-skill’ GCM results, all models are regarded as suitable candidates for use in impact assessments.
However, in some situations, a Climate Future will be represented by just downscaled results or downscaled results in combination with ‘low-skill’ GCM results. In such cases, consider the plausibility of the Climate Future (Technical Report) and use with caution.

Regions affected: Monsoonal North (West), Southern Australia, Southern and SW Flatlands (East), Monsoonal North, Central Slopes, Rangelands (South), Northern Australia, Murray Basin, Southern and SW Flatlands (West), Monsoonal North (East), Rangelands, Rangelands (North), Southern and South-Western Flatlands, Wet Tropics, Eastern Australia,