Climate Change in Australia
Climate information, projections, tools and data
Display a continuous time series of historic and future climates as simulated by the 40 or so global climate models. Superimpose the results from an individual model to see where its results fall in relation to the full set.
When you first visit this page, a default plot is displayed. Change the plot using the drop-down selections. The plot will redraw after each setting is changed.
1. Select a REGION from the drop-down list (the plot will update - there will be a delay)
2. Select an EMISSIONS SCENARIO from the drop-down list (the plot will update - there will be a delay)
3. Select a VARIABLE from the drop-down list (the plot will update - there will be a delay)
4. Select a SEASON from the drop-down list (the plot will update - there will be a delay)
5. Select a MODEL from the drop-down list (the plot will update instantly)
6. To turn elements of the plot on and off, expand the options panel by clicking the « icon
The plot displays three types of data. These can be switched on and off in the options panel, accessed by clicking on the « icon.
A detailed explanation of the methods used to produce these plots is provided in section 6.2.2 and box 6.2.2 of the Technical Report . However, the interactive plots provided in the Time Series Explorer differ from those in the printed reports as described below: