Climate Change in Australia
Climate information, projections, tools and data
Data files are named using the following convention:
<variable>_<domain>_<host name>_<rcp>_<run>_<model description>_<version>_<frequency>(_<season aggregation method>)_<time period>(-<change type>).nc
<variable> is the climate variable code:
<domain> The name of the 'domain' or geographic area covered by the dataset:
<host name> is the name of the 'host' model which was downscaled. Model names follow the format, INSTITUTION-MODEL:
<rcp> = Representative Concentration Pathway (more detail ):
<run> = a descriptor that indicates the run, initialisation and parameterisation versions of the simulation:
<model description> = the details of the model used to produce this specific dataset:
<version> = version of the model as described by model description:
<frequency> = the frequency (time-step) of the dataset (in datasets with multiple frequency data, the highest frequency or smallest time-step):
<season aggregation method> (when relevant) = the way the data (as described by 'frequency') have been aggregated:
<time period> = the range of years to which the future data relate. For:
<change type> (change data only) = type of change calculated for the time period:
.nc is the file extension for NetCDF files.
Download the file naming convention (73.9 KB)
Page updated 24th December 2020